Current Projects
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Current Projects

Current Projects

I'm making sure I keep up to date with old interests as well as learning new skills so I can hone myself as a well rounded software engineer. Currently, there are two main projects I am working on. The first is an untitled game I work on in my spare time, and the other is learning ethical hacking.

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Untitled Game

This is a new game I've been working on in my spare time. I'm honestly still not sure where it will end up but there are a few ideas that I've been juggling around. This game came from the desire to make a game with a horror element. It's something Jonathon and I had joked about for a while but I always loved games that have an unexpected unnerving presence (think Majoras Mask, Firewatch, and Outer Wilds). None of these games are horror at their core, but they all have some of the best horror sequences I've ever played and I think that having those elements makes the game as a whole more fun.

The Cycle Map
Ethical Hacking

I started learning website hacking a few weeks ago with my brother. We've only really gotten into the basics so far like cross-site scripting (XSS) and Insecure DIrect Object References (IDOR) for example while also learning some useful tools and resources like BurpSuite and PicoCTF. It is a lot different from anything I am used to, so there has been a bit of a learning curve.

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